viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

My important moment.

I'm going to write about an event that happened to me on January, two years ago. I was visiting my family in Nicaragua, I went with my mom and my brother to my grandmother's house for a few days because the next week I had to go to a camp. We spent like three days there with all my mom's side of the family and the final day I came back with my aunt Lilliam, uncle Erick, my cousin Fernando and my grandma. The trip was really long and I was feeling sick about something that I ate so my uncle took another way to get to their house, a very dangerous highway. Many people say that in that highway happen lots of accidents but that never cross our minds. Well, I was tired so I started to fall asleep on my grandma's shoulder and like twenty minutes later I hit my head in the car's door, I heard the car making a noise like if we were in a race and all I could see was dust everywhere, I had no idea of what was going on and then my cousin screamed like a girl, which really scared me. After that, we stopped. I asked what happened and my aunt said that a huge truck was out of his side and hit us and the car that was in front of us. I got off the car and the thing that really freaked me out was watch the car so close to a ravine, and all the right side of the car destroyed. When I saw those things I started to cry, I don't know why but I just did, I cried. And my grandma said that God was taking care of us because we could die there, it was pretty serious and nothing bad happened to us as the people of the car in front of us, that car was turn down and the people were really hurt with broken legs or broken arms, I'm not sure but I think that the driver was about to die; all my body was shaking, I was terrified and then my grandma, my cousin and I started to pray and give thanks to God because we were alive! After that, the friends of my aunt and uncle came to see what happened and if we were alright and they took us home.

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

The Goonies

I choose Mikey of The Goonies. He's a smart, ambitious and a great leader. In the movie he is the brother of Brand and with his friends found a map of a pirates treasure. He lead The Goonies to find the treasure but they had to escape of a band of criminals named The Fratellis. They had to find the treasure inside a house where the Fratellis were hid. At the end when everybody wanted to quit and just get out without any treasure, Mikey as a leader convince The Goonies to keep looking for the treasure until they find it. I really like the optimism and the perseverance of Mikey because I'm a very optimistic person and I fight for the things I want in my life just like Mikey.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Urban legend.

I'm going to talk about a legend in San Ramón, well in my high school. It's a legend about a nun. Many years ago the Colegio Patriarca San José was a high school of nuns, but one day one of them named Raimunda died in the building and the legend says that Raimunda is living in the high school, every night you can see her walking on the halls or just standing in the computer lab (the computer lab was the bedroom or the nuns). There are many stories about the nun, for example there are people who said that if you go at night, really late, and take a pic to the guitar room the flash wont come out, other stories say that if you see Raimunda's pic in the library at night you can see the pic moving and there are people who took a pic from the nun but with no face.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

My First Performance

My first performance was when I was 9 years old, it was a piano performance. I've been in piano lessons since I have 8 years old and that performance was the most scariest thing I've ever done. I was prepared but I was frightened about the people who were looking at me, I'm not used to speak in public or things like that so that was a huge challenge for me. At the moment of play the song, I felt like I was going to throw up but my teacher told me "It's all right, no one know the song so if you make a mistake just keep going, don't stop" and that phrase is still useful for every performance that I have to do now. From that moment until today I feel a little scared but really happy to do any performance or even speak in public.!

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010


A. What is thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. It started on the USA and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships.

B. Who were the pilgrims?     
The pilgrims were a small group of people who sailed to North America in order to start a new life. They sailed on the Mayflower ship and landed on Plymouth Rock. They wanted religious freedom.

C. What is the Mayflower?

The Mayflower was one of the ship that the pilgrims used to sail on their trip to America. 

D. Who were the Wampanoag?
The Wampanoag are one of many Nations of people all over North America who were there long before any Europeans arrived, and have survived until today. Many people use the word “Indian” to describe them, but they would prefer to be called Native People. Their name, Wampanoag , means People of the First Light. 

 E. What happened to the Pilgrims during the first winter?
 This was very bad timing as the Pilgrims did not have time to plant food for the winter. The first winter was very harsh for the new settlers. The cold temperatures and snow interfered as the Pilgrims tried to construct their settlement. Out of the original group of Pilgrims, only about half survived the first winter.

F. What did the Wampanoag do for the pilgrims? 
The Wampanoag taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish and grow corn, the Pilgrims had a very successful harvest in October and had plenty of food for the upcoming winter. The Pilgrim's Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of celebration and thanksgiving sometime in the middle of October. The Pilgrims invited Squanto and many other Indians to join in the celebration. The Thanksgiving feast lasted for three days.

G. Why did they celebrate the first Thanksgiving?
Because they had a good harvest so when they had enough food to survive the winter the Pilgrims invited the Wampanoag to celebrate and give thanks with them.

E. When is Thanksgiving Celebrated now? 
Thanksgiving is celebrated the fourth thursday in November.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Cold Case.

Cold case is a TV show that involves the legal system and the crime. It's about cops who try to find out who is the criminal of each case they investigate.
I like this kind of TV shows a lot because things like these actually happen and this is one of the shows that I really like to watch. I also recommend it, is a very good show, very interesting.

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010


Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It's based on the Celtic festival (where people marked the end of the light and the beginning of the dark season). People usually do different activities for this holiday like  trick-or-treat, use costumes, make costume parties, cave jack-o'-lantern, tell ghost stories or just watch horror films at some house. Halloween have changed a lot through the years by the influence of the Celtics, the Catholics and the Romans, the mix of those traditions changed Halloween to make the one that we celebrate these days.